Aoyama Gakuin University Tokyo
Aoyama Gakuin University Tokyo
There is also a university partnership with Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo.
There are two scholarship places every year, with places being allocated to law students as a priority. As part of the scholarship, no university tuition fees are charged.
Participation in specialist courses is contingent on having sufficient Japanese language skills.
You can find further information about the university in the Fact sheet and this brochure.
Further information can also be found here.
For general queries get in touch with Ms. Thamm.
For queries relating to studying at WGU as a law student and with your application please contact the Coordinator of International Affairs. The initial application period ends on 31.1. and the allocation of left over places on 8.4. for the next year.
You can find a table for converting German law grades into GPA grades to check whether you fulfil WGU’s application criteria (GPA average of 2.5) here.