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Broaden your Horizons: The International Profile of the Faculty

The international profile of the Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf sets great store by its international orientation. Thanks to close cooperation with various partners and numerous research projects, the Faculty is an integral part of an international academic network. We are delighted to present you with our offering on this website.

We would like to draw a special attention to our new English-language exchange programme, which we are running together with the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics: The Legal and Economic Studies Programme

Photo of
  • Prof. Dr. Anne Schneider LL.M.
  • +49 211 81-12379

  • Building: 24.81
  • Floor/Room: 01.45
  • Office Hours

    Nach Vereinbarung.

Photo of
  • Annika Wahl (Master II en droit (Lille-Warwick))
  • +49 211 81-10219

  • Building: 24.81
  • Floor/Room: 01.47
  • Office Hours

    By arrangement

Photo of
  • Alisa Bayur

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